Monday, March 16, 2009

Nothing much going on...

So there ain't been much happening that would probably be of interest. Things are good at church. We had a good revival a while back. That would be interesting, I'm sure. Brother Matt Wright from Sturgis, KY was here. He is a good fellow. Known him for a while. We had one to be saved in the Saturday night service. A young girl, about twelve-ish. It really was a good revival. Last week on Saturday night I was invited to preach the word at a local pentecostal church. It is the same church we used for our District Convention. Very nice people. They were great to preach to and they fed us. I enjoyed that. They do not currently have a pastor, so the leader there suggested I add myself to the rotation of preachers who come and preach once a month until they find a regular pastor. I may well do that.
In other news, we are getting ready for a Spring Sunday School campaign. My wife is our superintindent. She is new at it and is doing a really good job. She plans well, and works hard. We are hoping to beat our current SS attendance record of 24. Please help us pray that we can get as many people to church as possible to hear the word. That is so important to us. We really want to be a soul-winning church!
In home news...everything is going pretty well. We are healthy. The girls are doing great. Haley just finished her basketball season, and we are all looking forward to softball season. Also, Taylor is playing t-ball this year. I can't wait to see them play.
Marsha is doing well. She is thinking about going to school. I think she would do well, and hope it works out. We'll be praying for direction about that and other things.
I have been getting so many calls to go and preach lately. It's great because that is where my heart really is. I want to be able to go. I miss the days when I could go most every time I was asked. With my job, nowadays I just can't. Sometimes I can. But mostly I can't. I don't have enough vacation time, I also have regional responsibilities, and the church work, locally and district. My job requires sometimes 50 to 60 hours per week. It is hard to keep up, as it is. Now, it is really frustrating to have to miss out on all the opportunities to go and preach. Work is going good. I am up for a promotion maybe very soon. But, honestly, I really need to be more active in the ministry. I prayed for most of last year that God would put me in a better employment situation so I would be more available in the ministry work. The answer seems to keep coming back the same way. God seems to have me where I am for a reason. I don't understand it, but am trying my best to abide in His will. Sometimes I wish we could just go out somewhere else and pastor. But, honestly, I do't think that is the answer. Our little church has only three families. We couldn't feel good about leaving them, as it takes what all three families of us have to keep the church going. We are happy where we live. Maybe if we could see some substantial growth here I could switch to a less demanding job. I don't know the answer. God does, I know. I am still praying that somehow He will get me in a situation where I can give more time to His work. If anyone reads this, please help me pray.


Vicki Smith said...

I read it, and I'll be praying. God always has an answer.

cokelady said...

I'm a little late (!), but I'll be praying, too. I was blessed reading this. I love to hear people who want to give more to God. He'll make a way! And it will be a blessing to you, to your family, and to those He opens the door for you to minister to.