Saturday, February 07, 2009

Great Convention!

We had such a great convention. Thank God!! He is so good to us. The preaching and singing were so anointed, and such an encouraging spirit was there. Our new church in Somerset (just organized in December) was there in force!! All but one member, I think, was present and they fell right in like they'd been right there with us all along! Their musicians played, their singers sang, and their pastor preached a great message on the church! Just great...
Brother Hargraves and Brother Flora also preached great messages, as did Brother Jernigan.
We had a testimony time, and there were several testimonies given of recent healings of Cancer!!! God still does it!! That should be no surprise, but I'm always tickled at how surprised we all act. He has not changed or lost power. Praise God!
During our special time of prayer for the sick, the Holy Ghost really moved and the people shouted and praised God. I truly believe that God did things for people during that prayer sesion that we will only realize later.
Great convention...thank God!


Vicki Smith said...

Praise God! We, too, were in Convention today and it was very good. Wonderful spirit of love and unity. Praise God for how He's moving in TCOG!

cokelady said...

~gasp!~ He lives! And even blogs!!! ;-)

So glad to hear that you had such a wonderful Convention. And I love the testimony of those healings! PRAISE THE LORD! We had a minister in our Region healed of cancer this past year as well. And you're right--we always act so surprised. "You mean God actually DID it?!" As if when we pray we have no faith at all that it's doing any good! Ha! We'll see more and more faith and less and less surprise in the future, I'm sure. :-)